
Version 2024/1. Date of the version 2024.08.22. Effective as of 2024.08.22


Risk Statement



The purpose of this document is to highlight certain risks associated with investing through this website. Please note that this list of risks and warnings is not exhaustive, and there may be additional considerations to bear in mind when utilizing this platform for investment decisions. It's important to understand that this document does not constitute investment advice or guidance of any kind; rather, it serves as a reminder of the inherent risks associated with investing.

The investment opportunities presented on https://www.ventus.energy website are not overseen by any Financial Supervisory Authority, and the information provided has not been verified or approved by supervisory authorities. Our company's fundraising activities are conducted solely to meet our internal business needs.

Investment decisions carry inherent risks that may impact investment returns, potentially resulting in losses. It's essential to remember that past performance is not indicative of future results. We recommend diversifying your investments across different regions, industries, and asset classes, and seeking professional investment advice, as well as legal and tax advice if necessary, when utilizing this website for investment purposes.

Please assess your available funds carefully and make informed decisions when investing. As losses may occur, it's advisable to thoroughly analyze and evaluate the investment risks associated with the projects you intend to invest in.

While we may provide forecasts or analyses on our website, these should not be construed as commitments or predictions of future events. While we strive to offer accurate and comprehensive information, we cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, correctness, relevance, or timeliness of such information. Some information may be sourced from reliable third parties, but we cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained from third parties.


Market risk

Please note that due to market events, political or social circumstances, changes in the legal acts and the situation on the market can change and bring about negative influences on your investment. Real estate prices may change (both increase and decrease) and thus have a negative influence on your investment. The market risk can be reduced but not eliminated by diversifying your investments. When specifically, real estate is concerned, there might be technical or construction problems etc.


Legal risk

The legislative acts, administrative practice and other factors may contribute to the legal risk. The legislative acts and administrative practices regarding state supervision, assets, ownership, investment activities and taxation may change and influence your investment and the outcome of your investment.


Liquidity risk

The situation when investing and when exiting can be very different. With real estate projects, it might happen that the prices for the real estate change and the seller of the real estate cannot get the real estate sold in a set timeframe or a set monetary timeframe. You could also be required to make additional payments and incur additional costs concerning the realization of the liquidity risk.


Investing in a foreign country

Please be aware that when investing in a foreign country, you may encounter different and non-familiar economic, political, social and legal environments.