Terms and Conditions

Version 2024/1. Date of the version 2024.08.22. Effective as of 2024.08.22


Terms and Conditions for the use of https://www.ventus.energy Platform


1. Accessing and Using the Website and the Platform

1.1 The website https://www.ventus.energy (hereinafter referred to as the Website) can be accessible without registering.

1.2 If the User wishes to use the services provided by Ventus Energy Group OÜ, legal address Tornimäe 5, Tallinn 10145, Estonia, legal entity code 16964065 (referred to as the Operator), located on a public computer network at address https://www.ventus.energy and its sub-pages or at web pages within the same administrative domain (hereinafter referred to as the Platform), it is necessary to register a User Account in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

1.3. By registering a User Account on the Platform, User confirms that they has read these Terms and Conditions, agrees to the Terms and Conditions and undertakes to adhere to them.

1.4. The Terms and Conditions apply to all legal relations of Users of the Platform, Operator and the Ventus Energy Group OÜ group of enterprises.

1.5 Certain sections and services within the Platform may be subject to specific conditions, and their use may necessitate the conclusion of additional agreements, which shall apply in conjunction with these Terms and Conditions.

1.6 The Operator reserves the right to modify the services of the Platform and/or these Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

1.7 The Operator will try to ensure that the User has uninterrupted access to the Website (its content and features) and Platform.

1.8 The Operator cannot guarantee that access to the Website or Platform will always be available or uninterrupted. From time to time, access may be interrupted, suspended, or restricted, including because of a fault, error, or other unforeseen circumstance or because Operator is carrying out planned maintenance.

1.9 The Operator will not be liable to the User for any loss or damage which the User may suffer as a result of the Website or Platform being unavailable at any time for any reason.

1.10 The Operator reserves the right to unilaterally amend and supplement the Terms and Conditions at any time, including the restriction or addition of Platform usage options.

1.11 The Operator may make changes in the Platform, including expanding, changing, or removing its functions, at its own discretion at any time without asking permission of the User or giving prior notice to the Users. Among other, the Operator may terminate the operation of the Platform at its own discretion at any time.


2. User registration, personal identification, conclusion of a user agreement and use of the Platform

2.1. The Operator grants access to the Platform's specific functionalities to both natural and legal persons who have undergone identification verification, consented to the Terms and Conditions, and have entered into a respective User Agreement to utilize specific functionalities of the Platform, including but not limited to receiving debt requests, participating in and/or reviewing funding rounds, making financing offers, publishing declarations of intent, and entering into agreements. Unidentified users are not permitted to utilize the Platform's services, except for viewing, modifying, or supplementing their own data and personal identification.

2.2. Upon registering a User Account, a person enters their contact information and other data required by the Operator into the respective environment by using a unique email address and password.

2.3. Upon undergoing the identification process on the Platform, the User provides the Operator with their identity documents and personal data, such as their full name, date of birth, residential address, and similar details. The Operator then verifies the User's identity based on the provided information. The specific data and documents required for identification are determined solely by the Operator.

2.4. By registering a User Account and/or disclosing data, the User shall confirm that they are aware of and consent to the fact that any and all legally collected data regarding the User which are in the possession of the Operator regardless of their origin, shall be processed by the Operator for the purposes related to the possibilities of use of the Platform and to the extent necessary for it. Further information about the Operator collecting, using, disclosing and protecting User’s personal data, can be obtained from the Privacy Policy of Ventus Energy Group OÜ at https://ventus.energy/en/c/privacy-policy 

2.5. The Operator reserves the right to decline User registration or agreement initiation, solely at its discretion and without obligation to provide a rationale.

2.6. An identified User has the right to add legal entities affiliated to that User (Corporate Customers) on the Platform This authority to add a Corporate Customer is restricted to legal representatives, such as members of the management board, procurators, etc.

2.7. The Operator reserves the unilateral right to decline the addition of a legal entity without providing a rationale and may request supplementary information as necessary.

2.8. A Corporate Customer can access the Platform through a natural person acting as their legal representative, who must be identified as a User on the Platform.

2.9. A Corporate Customer agrees to promptly notify the Operator of any changes in its legal representatives. The Operator reserves the right to revoke access to a Corporate Customer's account for any User whose authority of representation has ceased.

2.10. Upon request from the Operator, the User is obliged to provide the Operator with information and documents which the Operator requires for identifying the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) and other associated individuals, assessing and managing money laundering and terrorism financing risks, and conducting international sanctions screenings.

2.11. The Operator retains the right to adjust and re-implement user identification measures for and employ alternative methods of personal identification at its discretion.


3. Liability

3.1. Although the Operator shall take all measures to ensure the correctness and reliability of information published in the Platform, the Operator shall not be liable for publishing incorrect or misleading information in the Platform, or for a violation committed or being continuously committed through the Platform, or consequences thereof, of which the Operator is not aware or for which it has taken measures for correcting the information, ending a violation or eliminating consequences thereof.

3.2. The Operator shall not be liable for the correctness and completeness of information received from third parties if the Operator forwards or discloses it in the Platform in the same format as it was forwarded or made available to the Operator. If a User discovers incorrect information contained in the Platform, they shall be obliged to inform the Operator as soon as possible.

3.3. If a User causes damages to the Operator by violating any of the obligations, the User shall be obliged to fully compensate the respective damages to the Operator at first request.

3.4. The Operator shall not be liable for the damages that were caused to a User or third parties in relation to the fact that the Operator used their legal remedies (e.g. removed information from the Platform or limited access to it, limited or restricted User’s access to their User Account or Platform).

3.5. The Operator shall not be liable for temporary interruption in access to the Platform or its functionality.

3.6. The Operator shall be liable only for the direct patrimonial damage to the User caused by violation of the obligations of the Operator due to gross negligence or intent. Other damage or loss of profit shall not be subject to compensation. The Operator shall not be liable if a service provider or any other third party used by the Operator causes a violation of obligations.

3.7. Certain products and services referenced on the Platform may not be accessible to residents of specific countries. Consequently, the services detailed on this Platform do not constitute an offer to engage in transactions in any jurisdiction where such actions may be deemed unlawful. The services offered through the Platform are intended for individuals or legal entities residing in the countries where the Operator operates. Residents of other countries may only access the services provided via the Platform if permitted by the laws of their own country of residence and provided they adhere to the requirements and any applicable restrictions imposed by those laws.

3.8. The information provided on the Platform does not serve as an offer or invitation to purchase any investment-related advice or other products or services. Furthermore, it does not constitute an offer to sell such items to individuals in jurisdictions where such offers or advertisements are prohibited or legally restricted, nor to individuals for whom targeting such offers or advertisements would be unlawful. By choosing to visit the Platform, Users do so voluntarily and assume all associated risks. Additionally, Users are responsible for adhering to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations that pertain to them.

3.9. When conducting transactions on the Platform, each User is responsible for evaluating the suitability and risks associated with the transaction. If necessary, Users should seek assistance from advisors who specialize in the relevant field.

3.10. By registering as a User, individuals confirm their understanding of the risks inherent in using the Platform. This includes the potential loss of investment or failure to achieve anticipated profits, and Users acknowledge that they engage with the Platform solely at their own risk. Further information about risks associated with conducting transactions and making investments can be obtained from https://ventus.energy/en/c/risks 


4. Intellectual Property

4.1. Any and all intellectual property rights to the Platform, including the structure, web design elements, texts and other components of the Platform, and the intellectual property rights related to them (including the intellectual property rights to trademarks, logos, brands, software, databases, news, messages, texts, graphic, musical and other design) belong to the Operator, unless the rights of another person are referred to with regard to a component, or information has been entered by the Users of the Platform. Users shall not be allowed to change, reproduce, disseminate, process, translate, make extracts from, forward, include in other databases or make public the Platform or any of its contents or components or use it in any other manner that is beyond the intended purposes of the Platform without the prior written consent of the Operator.

4.2. The User shall not be allowed to grant sub-licences for using the Platform or any of its contents or components or create new objects of intellectual property based on them.


5. Cookies

5.1. The website contains text files, commonly known as cookies, which are stored on the hard drive of a visitor's computer. These text files contain information and are utilized, among other purposes, to enhance the visitor's experience on the website. Further details regarding the collection and utilization of cookies by the Operator can be found in the Cookie Policy of Ventus Energy Group OÜ at https://ventus.energy/en/c/cookie-policy