User agreement

Version 2024/1. Date of the version 2024.08.23. Effective as of 2024.08.23




1. Introduction and key definitions

1.1. Introduction: The Ventus Energy Project Database and the User Profile functionalities are provided by Ventus Energy Group OÜ, a limited liability company registered in Estonia (registration number 16964065), with its registered address at Tornimäe 5, Tallinn 10145, Estonia ("Ventus" or "we"), through the website ("Website")

1.2. Definitions: Capitalized terms have the meanings given in this User Agreement unless otherwise specified: 

Acceptance to Invest: A legally binding declaration by the User in response to a Debt Request, agreeing to enter into a Debt Agreement and provide a Debt to Ventus as specified by the User, in accordance with the conditions stated in the Debt Request.

Affiliated Company: Any legal entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Ventus, or has signed a cooperation agreement with Ventus for processing payments or information related to operations.

Contracting State: A state that is a contracting party to the EEA.

Database: A feature of the User Profile that provides access to Debt Requests for a limited number of Users in a restricted section of the Website, managed by Ventus.

Debt: The principal amount of funds granted to Ventus by the User under the Debt Agreement, which has not been repaid yet.

Debt Agreement: An agreement between a User and Ventus, concluded via the Database, under which the User provides a Debt to Ventus, and Ventus is obliged to repay the Debt and pay Interest.

Debt Type: classification of a type of debt (Debt, Note, or Bond) associated with each Debt, determining the repayment terms, interest, and conditions, as specified in the Debt request.

Debt Request: A request made by Ventus, accessible to a limited number of Users via the Database, offering to enter into a Debt Agreement for a specific project.

EEA: The European Economic Area.

EU: The European Union.

Interest: The remuneration paid by Ventus for the use of the Debt, as specified in the Debt Agreement.

Member State: A member state of the EU.

Parties: Ventus and the User.

Payment Service Provider: A licensed credit institution, payment institution, or e-money institution which is a SEPA system member and is registered and providing payment services in an EEA country (except for Croatia), Switzerland or the UK.

PEP: A politically exposed person, including individuals in prominent public positions and their close associates or family members.

Price List: A list of prices (if any) applicable to functionalities and services provided by Ventus or its Affiliated Companies, as indicated on the Website.

Privacy Notice: A description of Ventus's basis and purposes for processing the personal data of Users, is available on the Website.

Registration Application: An application completed by a legal or natural person via the Website to register as a User and create a User Profile.

Right of Use and Exploitation: The license granted under Section 17.4.

Terms and Conditions: The terms set forth in this User Agreement, any Debt Agreements between the User and Ventus, and the Terms and Conditions of the Website, which Users must comply with when visiting the Website, registering the User Profile, and using its functions, including accessing the Database and the Virtual Account.

User: A legal or natural person visiting the Website or who has submitted a Registration Application and successfully registered and concluded the User Agreement.

User Agreement: This agreement between the User and Ventus as described in Section 2.3.1, governing the use of the User Profile and its functions.

User Content: All content and data the User inputs or makes available via the User Profile or in connection with the Database or Website.

User Profile: A profile and user account for collecting settings and information associated with a User, including the Virtual Account, created upon registration and accessible with user-specific credentials.

User’s Identification Number: A unique identification number generated in the Database and assigned to the User, used by Ventus for identification purposes.

Virtual Account: A functionality of the User Profile for managing payment obligations related to transactions via the Database as per Section 8 of this User Agreement.


2. User registration process

2.1. Registration Criteria: To register as a User, create a Profile, and use its functions, you must certify compliance with the following criteria at the time of registration and during the use of the Account: 

2.1.1. If representing a legal entity, you have the authority to bind the entity to the terms of the User Agreement.

2.2.2. You are of legal age and capacity as a natural person or a duly registered legal entity.

2.3.3. You are not a resident or under the jurisdiction of a country that prohibits the use of the Website or Account functions:

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Congo (Democratic Republic), Croatia, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini (Swatini), Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea), Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Russia (Russian Federation), Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States (USA), Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

2.4.4. You will not use funds obtained through criminal activities, breaches of financial sanctions, or related to terrorism financing.

2.5.5. All transactions on the Website will be performed on behalf of the User as the true beneficial owner.

2.6.6. You are not undergoing insolvency, bankruptcy, or liquidation processes.

2.2. Disclaimer: Ventus does not offer financial services, is not subject to financial supervision, and does not operate under any financial licenses. Decisions based on the Database or information on the Website are made at your own risk and responsibility.

2.3. Registration Process: Steps to register and create a Profile include: 

2.3.1.Completing the Registration Application on the Website. Before submitting, you must read and accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice. Submission of the Registration Application constitutes binding acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Ventus reserves the right to refuse creating a User Profile without providing a reason. The User Profile is created upon receiving registration confirmation from Ventus. 

2.3.2. Upon completion of the registration process, the User Profile is automatically created, and a User Identification Number is assigned. 

2.3.3. You may terminate or suspend the registration process and resume it later. Errors in the information provided can be corrected during the User identification process as described in Section 4.

2.4.4. Full access to the User Profile’s functions is granted only after user identification and conclusion of the User Agreement as per Section 3.


3. Conclusion of the user agreement

3.1. Acceptance: The User Agreement is considered concluded when the User accepts it and successfully completes the User identification process as described in Section 4. Mere acceptance of the User Agreement alone shall not be deemed to constitute its conclusion. Ventus reserves the right to refuse to conclude the User Agreement without providing a reason.

3.2. Document Storage: Ventus will store the text of the User Agreement and make it available to the User via the User Profile. Ventus will record the circumstances of the User Agreement's conclusion, including the version of the Terms and Conditions agreed to by the User.


4. User Identification Procedures

4.1. KYC Process: Ventus will identify the User after receiving the completed Registration Application and creating a limited User Profile, using the dedicated KYC function and requiring the User to upload ID documents and undergo identification verification. Identification is conducted remotely in compliance with Ventus’s internal control system.

4.2. Required Documents: Documents required for identification differ based on whether the User is a natural or legal person:

4.2.1. For natural persons:

- Copy of passport or equivalent ID from a country that does not prohibit the use of the Website or Account functions, showing first name, last name, date of birth, citizenship, document number, document expiry date and photo.

- Country of residence. 

- Taxpayer’s certificate and/or taxpayer’s number, if applicable.

- Information on PEP status. 

- IInformation on Sanctions lists.

4.2.2. For legal person:

- Company name.

- Registration number.

- Right of representation.

- Proof of right of representation document.

- Proof of address.

- Representative’s ID document as per Section 4.2.1. 

4.3. Additional Requirements: Ventus may request additional documents or information to verify the User’s identity and can supplement the identification process. If there are suspicions about the User's identity, Ventus may require a photo (selfie) with the ID document or offer identification via video chat.


5. Permitted use of the profile

5.1. Purpose and Permitted Use: The User Profile and its functions are provided to enable the User to access Debt Requests via the Database and to enter into Debt Agreements as described in this User Agreement. Any use for other purposes or misuse of the User Profile is not permitted. The User agrees not to use the User Profile to:

5.1.1. Upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, fraudulent, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, racist, glorifies violence, is pornographic, unethical, or otherwise objectionable.

5.1.2. Impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or misrepresent the User’s affiliation with any person or entity.

5.1.3. Transmit or make available any content that the User does not have the right to make available, contains software viruses, or any other code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.

5.1.4. Engage in activities that attempt to reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, hack, or extract proprietary software used to maintain the Website, Database, User Profile, and related functions. 

5.1.5 Copy, disclose, or distribute any data available on or through the Website, User Profile, and its functions, by any automated or non-automated “database scraping” or any activity aimed at obtaining content or information for any purpose.

5.1.5. Interfere with or disrupt the Website, Database, or servers or networks connected to them, including but not limited to hacking or bypassing security measures used to prevent unauthorized access to the Website, Database, and User Profile and its functions. 

5.1.6. Violate any applicable national or international laws or regulations, or the rights of third parties.

5.2. Breach of Terms: Failure to adhere to the permitted use (including using the User Profile for managing third-party interests) is considered a material breach of this User Agreement. Ventus may terminate the User Agreement immediately in such cases, without prejudice to any other rights.


6. Confidelity and security of the user's credentials and the user profile

6.1. Personal Access: Access to the User Profile is personal to the User, who must not provide any other person with access using the User’s email, password, or other security information.

6.2. Password Confidentiality: The User is responsible for keeping the password confidential and must exercise caution when accessing the User Profile from public or shared devices to prevent others from viewing or recording the password or other credentials. If the password becomes known to a third party: 

6.2.1. The User must change the password in the profile settings. 

6.2.2. If unable to change the password, the User must immediately notify Ventus via email 

6.2.3. Upon notification, Ventus will block log-in to the User Profile until the User requests a new password and unblocks the log-in. 

6.3. User Responsibility: The User is responsible for all activities under their Account or from their device. Ventus is not liable for any damage or loss caused by unauthorized use of the User’s credentials and access to the User Profile if Ventus has applied reasonable security measures.


7. Suspension of the user profile

7.1. Functionality Changes: Ventus may change the User Profile and its functions, provided these changes do not adversely affect the functionality.

7.2. Suspension Conditions: Ventus may suspend the User Profile or its functions, without liability, if: 

7.2.1. Suspicious illegal transactions are detected, including funds received from criminal activities or related to terrorism financing. 

7.2.2. The User violates the Terms and Conditions and fails to remedy the breach promptly. 

7.2.3. The User provides false or inaccurate information and refuses to clarify. 

7.2.4. Unauthorized access to the User Profile is suspected or the password may be compromised. 

7.2.5. Necessary for repairs, maintenance, or security updates, with reasonable notice provided where possible.

7.3. Material Breach: Actions described in Sections 7.2.1 - 7.2.3 are considered material breaches. Ventus may inform law enforcement without breaching confidentiality obligations.

7.4. Notification of Interruptions: Ventus will notify the User of interruptions in advance or without undue delay if advance notice is not possible.

7.5. Liability: Ventus is not liable for any damages, losses, or expenses due to actions in accordance with Section 7.2.


8. Virtual account

8.1. Transaction Requirements: To perform transactions via the Database, the User must transfer funds to the Virtual Account. Ventus may set limits or requirements on balances and transfer amounts.

8.2. Payment Obligations: All payment obligations from Database transactions and the Terms and Conditions must be fulfilled via the Virtual Account. Payments from one Virtual Account to another are prohibited, and Users cannot offset or withhold payments without Ventus’s consent.

8.3. Funding the Virtual Account: Users can transfer funds to the Virtual Account from an account in their name with a licensed Payment Service Provider. The User must indicate the reference number generated by the Database. All payment charges and expenses are borne by the User.

8.4. Changing Payment Accounts: Users wishing to change their payment account must follow the instructions set on Website, confirming the account is in their name and complies with the Terms and Conditions.

8.5. Verification: Ventus may request additional documents or information to verify compliance with the User Agreement and fund origins.

8.6. Non-compliance: If a payment account does not belong to the User or meet conditions, Ventus may return the funds and deduct related expenses from the Virtual Account.

8.7. Payment Obligations: Ventus may fulfil payment obligations resulting from Database transactions by transferring funds to the User’s Virtual Account.

8.8. Virtual Account Balance: The balance reflects funds transferred by the User for Debt Agreements and repaid by Ventus, minus deductions per Sections 8.6, 8.11, 8.12, and 8.15.

8.9. Fund Management: Ventus keeps funds in Virtual Accounts separate from its own funds in a dedicated payment account.

8.10. No Interest: Ventus does not pay interest or grant benefits on Virtual Account balances.

8.11. Acceptance to Invest: By accepting to invest, the User authorizes Ventus to deduct the debt amount or other payment obligations from the Virtual Account.

8.12. Fund Withdrawal: Users may request withdrawal of non-reserved funds via the User Profile, subject to deduction of withdrawal expenses.

8.13. Payment Accounts: Ventus will make payments only to the User’s identified payment account. Users can request payments only to accounts in their name with licensed Payment Service Providers.

8.14. Payment Refusals: Ventus may refuse payments to non-compliant accounts and request verification documents.

8.15. Currency Conversion: Transfers to and from the Virtual Account are made in euros. Ventus may convert payments in other currencies, with related expenses deducted from User funds.


9. Conclusion of the debt agreement

9.1. Debt Requests Access: Ventus selectively provides access to specific Debt Requests or the Database to a limited number of Users at its sole discretion. Users are not automatically entitled to access all Debt Requests or the Database, nor to receive Debt Requests via the User Profile upon the conclusion of the User Agreement.

9.2. Acceptance of Debt Requests: If Ventus makes a Debt Request available via the Database, the User may accept it by fulfilling the following conditions: 

9.2.1. The User selects the Debt Request from the Database. 

9.2.2. In the Acceptance to Invest, the User specifies the amount they agree to lend and agrees to the Interest Rate, repayment terms, and other conditions of the Debt Request. 

9.2.3. The minimum lending amount per User is 1000 EUR. 

9.2.4. At the time of confirming the Acceptance to Investment, the User’s Virtual Account must have a non-booked positive balance at least in the amount which the User agrees to grant as Debt to Ventus in the Acceptance to Invest.

9.3. Termination or Suspension of Process: The User can terminate or suspend the Debt acceptance process at any time before confirming the Acceptance to Invest.

9.4. Registration and Execution: After the User submits the Acceptance to Investment, Ventus registers and executes Acceptances in chronological order based on the system time of the Database. Ventus may amend the execution order without prior notice to the User.

9.5. Debt Agreement Preparation: Upon submission of the Acceptance to Invest, Ventus prepares the Debt Agreement and makes it immediately available to the User. The User must review and confirm the Debt Agreement and its conformity to the will of the User, thereby finalizing the Acceptance to Invest and losing the right of withdrawal.

9.6. Binding Acceptance: By confirming the Acceptance to Invest and the Debt Agreement, the User accepts the offer to enter into the Debt Agreement, which is then considered concluded. The User may receive a confirmation of the successful conclusion.

9.7. Distance Contract: The Debt Agreement may be a distance contract under applicable laws, and the User cannot withdraw from the concluded Debt Agreement after confirmation.

9.8. Suspension of Conclusion: Ventus may suspend the conclusion of the Debt Agreement if material circumstances occur that could cause substantial damage, loss, or harm to Ventus or the User.

9.9. Availability of Documents: The Debt Agreement and related documents are available to the User via the User Profile.


10. Rights and obligations of the user

10.1. User Commitments: The User undertakes to: 

10.1.1. Not use the User Profile, Database, or Website for illegal transactions, including fraud and money laundering. 

10.1.2. Use the User Profile solely for personal gain as the true beneficial owner, not for third-party interests. 

10.1.3. Provide true information upon registration and during the use of the User Profile. 

10.1.4. Continuously and responsibly assess the risks before concluding any transactions. 

10.1.5. Use only secure electronic communication and data transmission means. 

10.1.6. Take necessary security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the User Profile. 

10.1.7. Notify Ventus in writing or via the User Profile of any changes to personal or payment account information within 3 business days. 

10.1.8. Respond promptly to Ventus’s requests for additional information. 

10.1.9. Use the User Profile only as specified in the Terms and Conditions. 

10.1.10. Communicate politely with Ventus, observing generally accepted norms of behaviour.

10.2. User Confirmation: By accepting this User Agreement, the User confirms their capability to make individual decisions regarding Debt Agreements and understands all associated risks.


11. Payments for the use of the user profile and its functions

11.1. Free Functions: All functions provided by Ventus are free unless otherwise stated. Fees are applicable only for additional functions specifically marked as “fee applicable” according to the Price List.

11.2. Taxes and Fees: Ventus deducts applicable taxes, fees, and other payments from the funds paid by or to the User as required by law. The User is responsible for all tax payments arising from their transactions through the Database.


12. Liability of the parties

12.1. User Liability: The User is liable for damages arising from non-fulfilment or inappropriate fulfilment of the Terms and Conditions, including: 

12.1.1. Damages from unauthorized conduct due to illicit actions or failure to meet requirements in Sections 4.1 and 6.1. 

12.1.2. Losses and other activities via the User Account until Ventus is notified and has blocked access. 

12.1.3. Damages from actions or inactions described in Sections 7.2.1 - 7.2.3. 

12.1.4. Damages from exceeding permitted use limits of the User Profile under Section 5.

12.2. Consent Denial: If the User denies authorizing a transaction, the use of the User Profile and password is deemed sufficient evidence of consent or fraudulent activity or failure to meet duties in Sections 4.1 and 6.1.

12.3. Ventus Liability: Ventus is not liable for losses due to the User’s failure to follow the Terms and Conditions, third-party conduct before blocking the User Profile, communication interruptions, blocked accounts, or availability issues as described in Section 13 and third-party content in Section 14.

12.4. Force Majeure: The Parties are not liable for non-fulfilment due to force majeure circumstances beyond their control, such as power outages, new laws, strikes, wars, military activities, or natural disasters. The Party affected by force majeure must take all possible steps to fulfil their obligations and provide official documentation of the circumstances. Obligations resume once the force majeure circumstances are resolved.

12.5. Communication Interruptions: Ventus is not responsible for losses due to interrupted mail, electronic communication, or other means, including service interruptions of communication and technology providers.


13. Availability

13.1. Service Availability: Ventus endeavours to ensure the Website, Database, and User Profile functions are always available but cannot guarantee uninterrupted access. The services are provided "as is" and "as available."

13.2. Service Interruptions: The Website, Database, and User Profile may be unavailable due to:

13.2.1. Defects resulting from unauthorized amendments or modifications by the User. 

13.2.2. Issues with the User’s device. 

13.2.3. Technical malfunctions.

13.3. Mobile Access: The User may access the Website, Database, and User Profile via mobile devices and computers. Availability may be affected by factors outside Ventus’s control. The User is responsible for software, hardware, data charges, and fees associated with mobile access.


14. Third-party content

14.1. Informational Use: Content on the Website is for informational purposes only. Users should perform their own analysis and seek independent financial advice before concluding a Debt Agreement. Third-party content is not endorsed by Ventus and is used at the User’s risk. Ventus disclaims any warranty or representation regarding the accuracy or completeness of third-party information.

14.2. Third-Party Links: Use of certain links on the Website may direct the User to third-party feeds, software, websites, or applications. Ventus is not responsible for the content of these links, and Users access them at their own risk.


15. User's personal data

15.1. Data Collection: Registration and use of the User Profile require providing personal data. Ventus collects and uses personal data as described in the Privacy Notice, available on the Website.


16. Actions in case of insolvency of Ventus 

16.1. No New Agreements: In case of Ventus’s insolvency, no new Debt Agreements shall be concluded via the Database.

16.2. Transaction Information: Ventus provides the User with full information on transactions concluded via the Database in case of insolvency.


17. Intellectual property rights

17.1. Ownership: The Website, Database, trademarks, and other intellectual property displayed or made available via the Website are the exclusive property of Ventus. The User has no rights to use Ventus’s intellectual property unless explicitly stated in the Terms and Conditions.

17.2. License Grant: Ventus grants the User a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to use the Website for personal, non-commercial use, as described in the Terms and Conditions, for the period the User accesses his or her User Profile and the functions related to it, if relevant. Any intellectual property objects (without limitation, all information, data, products, documents, agreements, materials, services, software and tools, APIs, design elements, text, images, photographs, illustrations, audio and video contents, artwork and graphics contained therein or otherwise made available to you in connection therewith) provided through or used to operate the Website is licensed, not sold, to the User by Ventus. Ventus may inform you, by notice within the User Profile or otherwise, that the Website or the Database contains intellectual property governed by the licence of a third party and you agree to abide by the relevant terms.

17.3. Prohibited Actions: The User cannot rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute, sublicense, copy, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, translate, modify, distribute, adapt, or create derivative works based on the Website or its related intellectual property unless permitted in writing by Ventus.

17.4. User Content Rights: The User grants Ventus a transferable, sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide right to use and exploit User Content for purposes including providing services, conducting research, developing new functions, statistics, analytics, and commercial use. The Right of Use and Exploitation covers in particular, but not exclusively, the right to amend, edit and translate, as well as to store, reproduce, disseminate, make accessible to the public, send, disclose publicly and non-publicly and otherwise make available the User Content. By entering or making available User Content via the Website, the User guarantees that the User Content is in accordance with these terms herein, do not violate the rights of third parties and that the User is entitled to grant these Rights of Use and Exploitation. The User shall indemnify Ventus against all claims brought by third parties against Ventus in connection with the exercise of these Rights of Use and Exploitation

17.5. Compliance Guarantee: By providing User Content, the User guarantees compliance with these terms and indemnifies Ventus against third-party claims related to the use of User Content.

18. Term and termination

18.1. Term: The User Agreement remains in effect until terminated by the User or Ventus.

18.2. Immediate Termination: Ventus may terminate the User Agreement immediately for material breaches as determined in Section 5.2.

18.3. Unilateral Termination: Ventus may unilaterally terminate the User Agreement at any time with 30 days' notice via email. During this period, Ventus may restrict access to the User Profile.

18.4. User-Initiated Termination: If the user has no outstanding Debts and valid Debt Agreements and has no positive balance in the Virtual Account, the User may request deletion of the User Profile and termination of the User Agreement by notifying Ventus via email. Ventus confirms termination in writing. Outstanding obligations must be fulfilled before termination.

18.5. Request for Agreements: Within 90 days of termination, the User may submit a request to Ventus email to receive copies of concluded Debt Agreements. Ventus may require identity verification.

18.6. Post-Termination: Upon termination initiated by Ventus: 

18.6.1. Debt Agreements remain in force, and payment obligations are managed through User and Ventus’s payment accounts. 

18.6.2. Ventus transfers the positive balance in the Virtual Account to the User’s payment account within 10 business days, deducting any sums payable to Ventus.


19. Changes to the Terms and Conditions

19.1. Amendments Notice: Ventus notifies the User of amendments to the Terms and Conditions at least 14 days in advance via the Website or User Profile.

19.2. Price List Amendments: Ventus may amend the Price List at its discretion, providing at least 14 days' notice via the Website or User Profile.

19.3. Effective Date: Amendments become effective after the notice period. The User may terminate the Agreement if they disagree with the amendments.

19.4. No Prior Notice: Ventus may change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice if the change: 

19.4.1. Is advantageous for the User. 

19.4.2. Relates solely to new services or functionalities without affecting the existing relationship. 

19.4.3. Harmonizes with statutory requirements and does not materially affect the User. 

19.4.4. Is necessary to comply with court judgments or authoritative decisions without materially affecting the User.


20. Disputes settlement and applicable law

20.1. Governing Law: This User Agreement and disputes related to the use of the Website and the Database are governed by Latvian law and settled in the general court of the Republic of Latvia.

20.2. Online Dispute Resolution: The European Commission's online dispute resolution platform is available at


21. Other conditions

21.1. Transaction Currency: All transactions concluded via the Website are in euros.

21.2. Numerical Representation: In case of discrepancies between numerical representations in words and numbers, the representation in words prevails.

21.3. Unaddressed Situations: Situations not described in the Terms and Conditions are settled according to the Website information valid at the time of occurrence.

21.4. Invalid Provisions: If any provision is held invalid, the remainder of the Agreement is unaffected.

21.5. Notification: Notifications must be sent via the User Profile, Ventus email, or registered mail and are deemed received within 24 hours.

21.6. Language of Agreement: The Agreement is drafted in English, with translations provided for information purposes only.

21.7. Assignment and Delegation: Ventus may assign rights or delegate obligations to Affiliated Companies without User consent. Authorisations given to Ventus extend to Affiliated Companies where applicable.

21.8 Binding Nature: The Terms of Conditions are binding until the User Profile is deleted and all Ventus commitments are met.

21.9. Contact Information: Users may contact Ventus via email at