September 16, 2024


We are delighted to announce the launch of a new and unique investment platform!


Who are we?

We are Ventus Energy Group, an energy project development company based in the Baltics. Our mission is to acquire and develop regulated energy infrastructure companies in the renewable energy and utilities sectors, providing investors with exclusive opportunities in these projects.

On our platform, you will find only energy sector projects that are 100% owned by the Group.


The Road Map

Our current energy projects are located in the territory of Latvia. The Group’s development roadmap for the next four years includes two fully operational cogeneration powerhouse acquisitions (Q4 2024 and Q1 2025), two solar parks (2025 and 2026), and four cogeneration powerhouse (2025, 2026 and 2027) building and development to different stages (see Ventus Energy Group’s road map below). 

Planning, licensing, and other preparatory works on some of the abovementioned projects have been ongoing since 2020.


The business model

To ensure stable and predictable business growth in the long term, Ventus Energy Group companies have specialized in three main areas:


  • Energy sales - ​​power plants are regulated heat and electricity producers in Latvia. Produced electricity will be traded in Europe’s leading electricity market - Nord Pool exchange. Ventus Energy customers are large energy consumers (enterprises) which ensures predictable and stable income streams.   

  • Grid balancing - the more renewable energy is made, the higher pressure is made on the grid to maintain a constant balance between supply and demand. Therefore grid balancing has become a significant topic worldwide. Ventus Energy will be part of Latvia’s grid balancing program supervised by AS Augstsprieguma tīkls and earn from balancing activities accordingly.    

  • Heat generation - power plants are connected to the municipality’s heating network of the respective region and have contracts with relevant institutions for the long-term provision of the services. 



Although Ventus Energy Group OU was founded recently, its beginnings can be traced back more than 12 years ago, when some of the Group management team members started to work with energy sector development projects. During these years, with the involvement of Ventus Energy professionals, 10 energy projects with a total estimated current market value of 80 million euros have been implemented.

Responsibilities in these projects have covered a wide range - from project development, construction supervision, and sale of the company to legal affairs, protection of company interests, and lobbying in the Ministry of Economics of Latvia and other institutions regulating the industry.

Ventus Energy Group’s management team is built up of professionals, where the competence of each person in the financial, energy sector, or C-suite managerial level work can be measured over 10+ years. Henrijs Jansons (CEO), Gvido Bajārs (CLO), Arvis Zelčs (COO), Toms Ābele (CMO), Jānis Timma (CDO) and Kārlis Lejnieks (CPO). Get to know more about the management team in the ABOUT US section.


Our Investors and APY

To implement the projects shown in the roadmap, we attract two types of financing - from institutional and private investors.

It is planned that funding from Institutional investors (with AVG 7-11% p.a. and Senior rights) will comprise 60-80% of the total financing, while Individuals with Mezzanine investments (with AVG 20% p.a.) will provide the remaining 20-40% of the funding needed for energy projects. Accordingly, the average interest rate of Senior and Mezzanine investments combined is planned to be between 9-12% p.a.

You can find more about the Ventus Energy project financing structure in our HOW WE WORK section.


Support sustainability 

We experience that more and more investors believe - investments should be profitable and well-balanced in terms of safety and also contribute directly to the development of some country’s economy, the environment, society’s needs, or sustainability. 

The energy sector, with its fast-growing renewable energy, is an integral part of each country’s “economy backbone”.  

That’s why we invite everyone who values sustainability, reliability, and a commitment to an environmentally conscious future, as well as those who think ahead, to join the Ventus Energy community.